Request for support
Request for support
CTIC has been able to work its activities thanks to the donations. We would like to express our cordial thanks to all who help our activities.
Due to the pandemic, many people asked us for the supports. But at the same time, so many donations were given us that up to now we have been able to continue our support activity. We look forward to your continued cooperation in supporting people in need.
For cash donations
Postal transfer
Account number : 00130-2-710756
Account name : Catholic Tokyo International Center
Transfers from other financial institutions
Bank name : Japan Post Bank
Branch account no. : 019
Account type : (Current account) 710756
Account name : Catholic Tokyo International Center
Items most needed are the following
- Rice
- Instant ramen, Cup ramen
- Ready to eat food pack in retort pouch ( gyudon, oyakodon, chukadon, curry etc.)
- Canned goods ( tuna, saba mizuni, luncheon meat )
- Instant coffee ( stick type)
- Snacks and sweets ( biscuit, cookies or chocolates)
We will be glad if you can send us items three months before its expiration date.
For more information please call:
Catholic Tokyo International Center c/o Sr. Migita
- Tel. 03-5759-1061
- Fax. 03-5759-1063
- mail.
- Address.〒141-0021 4-6-22 Kamiosaki, Shinagawaku Tokyo